Saturday, November 21, 2009


Yesterday we made poffertjes!
I don't know if there's a word for them in english, but they are some sort of very small pancakes.

first we heated the special poffertjes pans and used some sunflower oil so the poffertjes batter wouldn't stick to the pans.

I got to put the batter into the pans with this handy bottle.

Waiting for the moment when I could turn the poffertjes over.

Looking good already!

When they were finished we put powdered sugar on them and then they were ready to eat. Delicious!


Beanie Mouse said...

YUMMY!!! I want to go to Holland again and get some poffertjes so i can make them at home here!!! But I'd have to get those special pans to make them in too, because Andrea says she doesn't have those either.

Sullivan McPig said...

@Hammie: what a funny coincidence :-)

@Beanie: You should, they are really tasty!

The Queen of Clearance said...

I want one! i bought one of these for my friends wedding for her! it was on her registry and I couldn't help myself!

Sullivan McPig said...

We don't use them often, but it's good to have one so we can make poffertjes when we feel like it.

Vagabond said...

Hi Sullivan,

I hadn't come around to thank you for the lovely poffertjes and the really nice evening! So, here I go: thank you so much, I had a great time! By the way, I came across a site with some really nice tutorials, including some amigurimi-stuff. Perhaps you like searching the site too? Have fun!

Sullivan McPig said...

Thanks for the link to the tutorial!
And we enjoyed the poffertjes night just as much!
Do drop by on my owner's birthday if you want and we should make a new appointment to eat/bake/cook sometime!