Sunday, February 24, 2013

A Snowy Walk

We went for a walk today.
I hadn't expected snow anymore this year, so I had already put away my woolly hat. I sure could have used it though.

Oh, mushrooms!
My owner told me these are called fairy benches because fairies use them to sit on. These looked a bit too small for me, so I didn't try out how comfortable they are.

We also encountered some sheep and some goats.

They came over to see if we had something to eat for them, but I hadn't expected to meet sheep and goats on our walk, so I had to disappoint them.

After our walk we were thirsty so we went to a restaurant where I spotted a ladybug sticker for Hammie...

And we had a nice drink.


Jeffe Kennedy said...

we call those mushrooms "tree ears" - love fanciful names like those!

Sullivan McPig said...

Oh, that is a cool name as well.

Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...

Aww!! What great pics!

Alexander Mackenzie Bear said...

We call them tree conchs... I like fairy benches better! Great adventure - hopefully it wasn't too cold and you didn't freeze your ear tips!

Eve Noir said...

your walk looked very nice and relaxing. what a nice surprise to see the cute animals :)

Jerry and Ben said...

We love snowy walks too. It's so nice to hear the snow crunch under your boots, except that sometimes, that crunching sound does make us hungry.

Aurian said...

Lovely pictures Sullivan! It has been snowing all day yesterday here in Utrecht, wet snow. So no fun to walk in it.

Hammie Hamster said...

You got G. wondering if she had put that sticker there on her walk with Wandelinge but those were kind of 3D ones :-). Perhaps someone else had that walking and marking the path with ladybug stickers too :-)! Thanks for showing!