Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Picnic

When my owner and me got out of work today my owner's OtherHalf came to meet us and he brought food.



Jerry and Ben said...

That picnic dish looks delicious! We love picnics too. Did you see any ladybugs on your picnic, or honey bees. :-)

Demented Wench said...

Alright Pig...It's War.

Sullivan McPig said...

@Hammie: no, but it was carried in a basket on front of E.s bike, does that count?
@Jerry & Ben: The weather wasn't sunny enough for them to be out.
@Demented Wench: What did I do? *whistles innocently*

Raquel said...

Hummm! I've never tried bulgur, but looks similar to cous-cous, doesn't it?

Leona Löwenherz said...

Hmmmh, Bulgur is yummy and it`s so nice wrapped in this red cloth! Greetings :-)

Beanie Mouse said...

I've eaten bulgur in Tabouleh salad!! Andrea says she's mailed you something today!