Saturday, February 28, 2009
Snowdrops, Angus and Wok Euroborg

I want to start today with showing you the Snowdrops that my owner's OH brought home for my owner. Aren't they beautiful?
And here's a picture of my brother Angus that I think turned out great.

It was a great evening with very good food!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Musical thingies

Today I played around with it.

A guitar thingie!
That's it for today.
Tomorrow we're going out for dinner with my owner's colleagues. I hope to post some pictures of that tomorrow evening.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Mysterious balloons
All along the cyclepath there were balloons tied to lamp posts and to trees.
It was like they were put there to lead you to something, but we couldn't figure out what that was, even though we did follow them as far as we could.
When we went home after work the balloons were all gone.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
I might not live in the UK, but as I love pancakes (and luckily my owner and her OH too) we always celebrate pancakeday. As you can see I even got a special pancake-pan to make pig-shaped pancakes.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Sheep, a Raven and Waterhouse

The sheep on the chair is Morris, next to him you can see Voodoo Bride, my voodoo doll.
On the ground from left to right: Marlin, Melinda, me and Blackie.

Corwin usually hangs out with Morris so when I asked Morris to pose, Corwin asked if he could be in a picture too.

I really want to go see this expo and my owner promised me we're going to visit it when she's got the time.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Crafts Fair in Zwolle

The tower you see in the background of this picture is the 'Peperbus', which means pepperpot. It's called Peperbus because the shape of the tower looks a bit like an oldfashioned (dutch) pepperpot.

And in case you're wondering about the weird, yellow antenna thingies in the hair of the woman behind us: it was Carnaval today. It isn't something that's celebrated by many people in Groningen, so we didn't really pay attention to it being carnaval, but in Zwolle the city was full of people who had dressed up and were dancing and singing really awful dutch carnaval songs.
There was also a pole placed on the mainstreet with all kinds of heraldry banners from all the different neighbourhoods of Zwolle that all have their own clubs that organise festivities for Carnaval.
Now for some more pictures of Zwolle:

Now for some more pictures of Zwolle:

Saturday, February 21, 2009
Lots of pictures today
It might be saturday, but my owner and I had to work today.

We tried to take a picture of it, but I can tell you the real thing looked much more impressive.
(And in case you're wondering: I'm on this picture, somewhere in the dark)

It looked like some sort of nasty metal claw or beak.

My owner says she thinks it's meant for removing staples from paper, but as we couldn't find any paper with staples in it, I couldn't try that out. Maybe someone else had removed all staples already and had forgotten the claw thingie.
Now for something else I want to show you:

Around it are lots of buildings (including the building where my owner and me work) and carparks. I always wonder who thought it might be a good idea to put a picknick bench here. No one ever uses it.

The wood chippings look brandnew and very red.

Friday, February 20, 2009
Working..... again

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Scenes from a workplace and another housemate
Today we were at work at the backoffice again.
In the background you can see the lights from a soccerfield.

Now the indroduction of another one of my housemates:
Don't worry, we were just posing for the pictures, he's not really trying to eat me.
Sharkey always helps with handling hot pots and pans and such.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Work and Icecream
It was very quiet as there's some schoolholiday so lots of people are on holiday with their kids.
I must say I got a little bored so:
My owner got me an icecream to cheer me up.
This is the view from the window just before dusk.
The sky looked very beautiful today.
And lastly a pic we made using the obamicon-thingie Eve told about on her blog:
I must say I got a little bored so:

The sky looked very beautiful today.

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