Saturday, February 14, 2009


We went into town today to buy a new mouse for the computer as the old one stopped working yesterday. While cycling around town to get the mouse and our groceries we took a couple of pictures.
This beautiful building used to be the museum of natural history.

Iit was sunny today so we took a short rest in the park to enjoy the weather.

And lastly another picture taken in the park: The 'Muziekkoepel' which seems to be the music cupola in english if I have to believe Babelfish.

1 comment:

Eve Noir said...

Cool pics! I love the one of the building that used to be the museum of natural history.

Funny, we just got a mouse too. Ours was crappy so this new one is better & yay, wireless! It's super fast & I love it.

Have a great weekend Sullivan.~