Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Fickle weather and candy

This picture was taken yesterday morning, as you can see it was beautiful, sunny weather and for today they gave a simular forecast.

Hmmm..... Sunny: no. Beautiful: I think so anyway.
All in all it was windy today and it even rained when we went home.

I can hear some of you thinking: 'What's Sullivan doing with pieces of chalk?'
Actually this is candy, liquorice to be exact! It is made to look like pieces of school chalk, but in fact the outside of the candy is a layer of something minty and inside it's soft. They're very tasty and I got these from my owner today.


Eve Noir said...

The weather is behaving the same here. It's been crazy for the past few days...up & down, up & down. Ooo, that candy sounds good but yes, it sure does look like chalk!

Hey Sullivan, could you please tell your owner & your owner's OH that I have a new GAME up and I think they'd like to participate.

Have a good day. ^_^

Eve Noir said...

Yes, it worked Sullivan! Can't wait to see your pic & thanks SO much for playing!

Urok Burok said...

Good news for the sunworshippers... Today started rather chilly but in the afternoon it
will be nice and warm... So forget the clouds
above the building on the picture...
O, Sullivan I almost forget to tell you how
lovely it is to play with chalk... But it is
probably better to eat it.. The colour of the candy makes me think of someone who looks as white as chalk after she (or he)
had blue and purple fits, due to an accident or something like that...