Today it was Queen's Day, the day that we celebrate the birthday of Queen Beatrix, queen of the Netherlands. Some of you may have seen the news and know what happened today, but before going into that I want to share the good things of today with you.

We had planned to do lots more today, like going to a Celtic Market, but then we got a sad message from my owner's OH, which put a stop to our plans:
There had been an attack on the queen and her family.
As is usual on Queen's Day, our queen was visiting a city to join in the celebrations of this day. As she and her family were in an open bus on their way to the next location they would visit, a car actually ploughed through the cheering crowd in an attempt to hit the bus. It killed four people and wounded 17 more before it crashed into a monument, missing the bus.
After hearing this news we didn't feel like celebrating anymore, so we went home.
I feel very sad that something like this happened, especially on a day when everyone should be happy and celebrating. I wasn't sure at first if I should post my pictures of today, but I think it's important to share the good things of a day like today even if it all ended so terribly sad.