It has come to my attention that not everyone is familiar with the term OH.
OH is short for 'Other Half', so when I'm talking about my owner's OH, I'm talking about her partner.
Next some cool news:
One of my followers, Eve Noir, is the owner of one of my distant cousins!
She posted a picture on her blog (that I'm following)
So get over there to say hi to another McPig.
Now some pictures about my day:

I found the suggestionbox at my work today, so I might give them some suggestions about improving the workingcircumstances for their small employees.

My owner got me some candy in one of our breaks

Another picture at home: The mug collection of my owner's OH.

One of the cross stitchings of my owner.
I'm glad she hasn't tried to see if pants like that look good on me or my brothers as I wouldn't want to be seen wearing them.