As the construction workers are on summer break we decided to do some work ourself and started stripping the wallpaper in our house so when it's renovated we can start with painting it right away.

There were lots of layers of old wallpaper and I found some weird things on the old wallpaper, like this writing with lipstick prints around it.

Someone had been practising the alphabet on the wallpaper.

These are my favourites of my finds. I think the right one looks like a duck!
Stripping old wallpaper is like doing an archeological dig, without the dirt. Lots of hard work, sometimes only to find the multiple layers of chipped paint they were trying to cover up.
Sullivan, it does look like a duck. Someone was quite the budding artist.
WOW! It's like yor own arkyology dig, wivowt goin owtside!
Oh! Buttons sed the sayme thing! Grayte minds, an all that, Buttons!
I was going to say that stripping old wallpaper is like doing an archeological dig but Buttons the Bear beat me to it. :)
I've removed enough old wallpaper in my life that I officially hate wallpaper and never want to see it again for as long as I live.
Behind some cabinets that my Mom's Dad installed, there are some pre-teen ramblings and drawings of my Mom's. She says that she kind of remembers doing the same sort of thing at their first house!
Oh how funny!!! I love those drawings too!!
Nice surprises :)
We stripped wallpaper in our bedrooms about 19 years ago. The wall paper was really awful in the boys room. The paint under it wasn't any better.
It's not my favorite job, but always happy when it's over :)
Have fun!
Thanks everyone! It's hard work, but once we get it done we can paint our house and make it even better than it was.
@Hammie: we had to move out a couple of days before the 'Bouwvak' so nothing had been done yet.
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