It turned out to be a book that I won over at Ex Libris in the Extravaganza giveaway Stella had in July.
The book is written by Cynthia Roberts and is called Wind Warrior. It's about Native American Indians and I'm very curious about it. Voodoo Bride wants to read it too as it also got romance in it.
What a nice package! =D And what a laid-back owner you have, Sully, to be happy that the book is autographed to you and Voodoo Bride rather than to her! ;-)
@Enbrethiliel: As I'm the one entering the contests/giveaways I think it's no more than fair the book gets autographed to me and luckily my owner agrees.
I'm part of a large family of pigs.
We all live with my owner in Groningen, the Netherlands.
I travel a lot with my owner and I post stories and pictures of my life and travels on my blog. I also have a blog where I post book reviews.
coolio! stella gives out great stuff!
Great give away prize! You can never have too many books :)
Oh, yes! But that will be taken care of!
Mom likes autographed books!
What a nice package! =D And what a laid-back owner you have, Sully, to be happy that the book is autographed to you and Voodoo Bride rather than to her! ;-)
@Enbrethiliel: As I'm the one entering the contests/giveaways I think it's no more than fair the book gets autographed to me and luckily my owner agrees.
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