wow! mummy reelly luvs this type ov thing. we hav a 13th centry church in colchester calld st helena's, wich is her nayme, so we shud get sum fotoes ov it. sorry for lak ov capitol letters by tyhe way, i am typing wiv wun fut. enyway, that cherch has very intrestin brikwerk. is thare a nayme for the style ov it? i am lookin forwerd to seeing the rest ov yor visiting!
@B.T. Bear: The style is called Romano-Gothic. It's typical for parts of the Northern Netherlands and Germany. It succeeds the older wooden and stone models that were inspired and build by Anglo-Saxon missionaries.
I'm part of a large family of pigs.
We all live with my owner in Groningen, the Netherlands.
I travel a lot with my owner and I post stories and pictures of my life and travels on my blog. I also have a blog where I post book reviews.
wow! mummy reelly luvs this type ov thing. we hav a 13th centry church in colchester calld st helena's, wich is her nayme, so we shud get sum fotoes ov it. sorry for lak ov capitol letters by tyhe way, i am typing wiv wun fut. enyway, that cherch has very intrestin brikwerk. is thare a nayme for the style ov it? i am lookin forwerd to seeing the rest ov yor visiting!
That is a very beautiful church. Do you think there are ghosts that live there like in Neil Gaiman's the Graveyard Book?
@B.T. Bear: The style is called Romano-Gothic. It's typical for parts of the Northern Netherlands and Germany. It succeeds the older wooden and stone models that were inspired and build by Anglo-Saxon missionaries.
@Marlowe: I think there might. There's lots of ghost stories.
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