Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A trip to Rome - Aquaducts and more

After an evening of playing games and after a night of sleep we went on to explore Rome.

First we went to see the aquaducts.
These used to carry water all around rome, but later they were used in the city wall to defend the city.

This is the Porta Maggiore.
It also used to be an aquaduct, but was turned into an important city gate.

There were lots of flowers around the gate, but no one was allowed on the grass... No lounging today.

There was a weird building next to the Porta Maggiore.

We walked around it to get a better look at it and discovered it was the Tomb of the Baker.

There used to be a law that no graves and tombs were allowed inside the city, so this baker let a big tomb be build just outside the city walls. According to the inscription on the tomb the baker used to be a slave, but finally became a free and eventually a rich man.

Talking about tombs...
it won't surprise my regular followers that next we went to a big cemetery to look at old tombs and statues there.

And there were lots of tombs and pretty statues to see at the cemetery.

I'll have to have a good look around here.

More pictures of this cemetery tomorrow.


Sullivan McPig said...

We were there for a week. Left on Tuesday the 2nd and returned on Monday 8th.

Jerry and Ben said...

Great photos Sullivan, did you try any Italian pasta or gelato?

Sullivan McPig said...

No pasta, but we had pizza and lots of gelato!! Yum!

Alexander Mackenzie Bear said...

Just caught up on your Rome trip Sullivan - looks great! And the weather was awesome too. Mama has been to Roma and says the Forum was OK but super hot with all those rocks and stones - like an oven in there.

Aurian said...

With every post you make about Rome, I want to go there myself more and more. Someday ...