Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Alligator Mail

Yesterday there was mail for me and my owner.
There was an alligator on the envelope!

It turned out to be really cool swag from Delilah S. Dawson. We have pre-ordered her upcoming Young Adult book Servants of the Storm, so she sent us this swag to thank us.

There was also a dried clover in the envelope for luck, but the mailmen must have mistreated the envelope, because the clover was in pieces.

Isn't this bookplate awesome!
It has an alligator on it as well.

I can't wait for my copy of Servants of the Storm to arrive, so I can put my cool bookplate in it, and then use the bookmark when I read the book :-D

Thanks Delilah!


RodeEgel said...

Yaaay! Very cool... aligator mail! :-D

Aurian said...

That looks awesome! Enjoy the book when it arrives :)

miki said...

^^ sullivan don't fear to be eaten it seems^^ special pact with alligator?

Hammie Hamster said...

Hello Sullivan, dit you get my mail too? We are starting to get a little worried...