Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Berlin - Graveyard

Those of you who saw my posts about Prague last year won't be surprised to hear we visited a graveyard next.

There were lots of beautiful tombs and monuments.

Some were damaged, like this statue that had no head.

There's a special story to this monument. It was made for a wealthy man who wanted a very expensive monument on his grave and he made his wife promise she would buy it for him. He wasn't faithful to his wife however, so she did buy the monument, but then didn't put his name on it, so no one would know who the monument was for.


titania86 said...

That's a beautiful cemetery! The gravestones and sculptures are amazing. The ones here are very utilitarian, moderm, and plain. Thanks for sharing!

Jerry and Ben said...

Beautiful sculptures, we hope you didn't see any ghosts!

Alexander Mackenzie Bear said...

Very beautiful... but could be a scary place in the dark!

Demented Wench said...

Very beautiful pictures, thank you for sharing.:)

Melliane said...

wow it's really impressive and beautiful.

Sullivan McPig said...

Thanks everyone!