There was snow yesterday! My owner and her OtherHalf had to go into town on some errands so I went with them ofcourse.

After we finished our errands we went to get something to eat. I saw these marsipan pigs in the store where we got our lunch.

In the restaurant of the store we got a table at the window so I could look out over the snow covered town.

And yet again Christmassy stuff that shouldn't be yet!

Oh! Sugar. I wonder what it's for.

Checking out the lamp.

Hmmm.... hot chocolate! so that's what the sugar was for.

I hope it keeps on snowing. I'm totally ready for it.

I could even walk through if I use this glove.

On our way home I just had to take this picture of the New Church.

The rest of the day I kept close to the window so I could look at the beautiful snow.
Cute pictures - I'm jealous of your snow :) The New Church looks beautiful. (I've never eaten marzipan - is it good?)
Snow! I love it! today is a sun day, but tommorow will snow!!! (To my city) i'm looking forward to it!
You do seem ready for the snow. I am not, however we are putting up our tree this weekend.
The New Church is absolutely beautiful. Just how new is it? It looks too old to be new.
It snowed a little bit around here, but it was all gone by daylight. Mom tried to take a picture of it though-- we'll have to see how it turns out.
Snow, yay! We had it here too. Keep warm x
Wonderful photo's! You don't have as much snow as we do - though if I recall from the year I lived in the Netherlands, you will get some more yet.
I'm surprised the little Christmas tree isn't decorated! Sinterklaas is coming soon!!
Thanks everyone!
@Audrey: i'm looking forward to sinterklaas. It's so much fun. But I still have to go shopping for presents as I didn't have time sofar.
@Buttons: They started building it in 1660, so it's only new compared to other churches ;-)
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