I received a Bookish Surprise this week from D.E. Night.
I must say I immediately fell in love with the box.

It's a Magical box!
How exciting.

This beautiful picture was on the back of the card.

Let's see what else is in the box.

A signed ARC of D.E. Night's upcoming book The Crowns of Croswald and a pretty blue bottle.
There was also a letter from D.E. Night as well.

The packing paper was a newspaper which had some intriguing headlines.
I can't wait to start reading the book!

The bottle is a Glanagerie Bottle.
According to the card that came with it "Glanageries are the ultimate potion of the mind. Where ideas, dreams, fears, and magic simmer together for out-of-this-world experiences."

And it glows!!!
Keep an eye out on my other blog for my review of The Crowns of Croswald!
About the book:
In D.E. Night’s debut novel, The Crowns of Croswald, magic sparks around every corner in a kingdom ruled by a dark queen. Ivy, a young orphan living in the Kingdom of Croswald discovers that she has powers of her own. She enrolls at the Halls of Ivy, a school where young students learn to master their magical blood and the power that Croswald’s mysterious gems can wield. Unfortunately, Ivy’s schooling – and her life – is threatened by the evil queen and her henchmen. As Ivy tries to unearth her past and save Croswald’s future, a fantastical adventure ensues.
Buy from Amazon
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