Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Games and Ice Cream

Monday we played games.
First we played Dix-It.
I had the pink rabbit, but it wasn't fast enough to win.

Next we played Bucket King.
It's a fun game where you have to try to keep your bucket tower from falling apart, but other people can force you to remove a bucket from your tower.

Yesterday I was feeling a bit down, but then my owner's OtherHalf cheered me up with ice cream!



Beanie Mouse said...

Excellent choice in icecream!!

L fox said...

I agree, Ben and Jerry's is very good ice cream. Can you put some of that ice cream in an envelope and send me a sample to the USA?

Demented Wench said...

That was very thoughtful of your owner's Other Half. I hope you were successfully cheered up by the ice cream. :)

Jerry and Ben said...

Those look like fun games! We're sure glad you chose our ice cream as a nice snack, hehe. --Jerry and Ben

Aurian said...

Hmm new flavor to me, I will have to search for it. Looks good :)

Ajdin Adilovic said...

Nice hat Sullivan! That ice cream is my favorite!