Last weekend my owner told me we'd be without internet for about a week. On Monday I discovered why: We were going on a 6 day trip!

We left very early and had to take a train to a town called Hengelo.

In Hengelo there was a tour bus that we had to board and then we made a very long bus ride: almost 11 hours! Luckily my owner had packed some books so I could read to pass the time.

We made a few stops and at one of the stops I saw these cool birds.

This bird was talking in German and my owner told me that was because we were in Germany! But we had to travel even further.

The weather was grey and rainy all day.
But it did look beautiful at times.

Late in the evening we got to a hotel and my owner told me this was where we were staying all week. We had traveled for almost 14 hours to get here.

The beds were soft and comfortable and I slept well after such a long day.

The next morning I found out we were staying in Hotel Globus.
And you know in which city we were:
How exciting!
I'll be telling you all about our stay in Prague over the next couple of days.
OHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You went ON HOLIDAY!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAYYY!! I hope you remembered your passport!!! What fun - can't wait to read all about it!
Have a wonderful trip Sullivan; we look forward to seeing some of your photos from Prague!
I hope you had a wonderful time in Prague and I'm looking forward to reading about it. :)
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