Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Cockroach Specialist?

I just had to share this email with you that I got a couple of days ago:

Hey there,

I'm reaching out to you because ********* is getting a lot of job leads for cockroach specialists, and I'm looking for another cockroach specialist who is interested in taking on more clients.

After checking out your website I think you are a great fit for ********* and I'd love to start sending you job leads. Please fill out a few details about your skills and rates, and I'll start forwarding you potential new clients.

If you have any questions about what ********* can provide, please don't hesitate to ask.



Somehow I don't think they're looking for a pig who has experience in playing fun card games with cockroaches in them.


Demented Wench said...

Did you fill them in on the details of your skills and rates? ;)

Sullivan McPig said...

I thought about it, but decided not to as I think they wouldn't be able to afford my rates anyway ;-)