Today my owner and me went to an art fair. First we took a bus to get to Stadskanaal where the fair was being held.

Once we got there we had to find the fair, but luckily it was very easy to spot.

My owner told me to keep my eyes open to see if I could spot someone familiar. Now who could she be talking about?

It was
Hammie was at the fair to help G. sell Mandala's. It was really cool to meet Hammie for real and not to just see his pictures at his blog.

We really hit it off right away, but that's not too surprising ofcourse as we already know each other so well through our blogs and the cards and such we send to each other.

After talking to Hammie for a while I took a look around at the rest of the art fair. I saw these helmets and machines and wondered what they were for.

There was lots of beautiful art.
I really liked these chicken statues I must say.

And someone drew chickens on a caravan too! It seems the people in Stadskanaal love chickens.

I also saw a man who was painting a motorcycle

And a stand that had lots of jam and chutney on sale.
All the covers of the jam and chutney pots were painted with birds. Very beautiful!

After I explored the fair I went back to Hammie's stand for another chat. And then I suddenly saw the weird machines I saw earlier approaching in the distance!

So me and Hammie had to explore ofcourse!

It turned out to be some kind of cool Space Alien! He noticed us and leaned down to examine us as well. Very exciting!
After meeting the Space Alien we said goodbye to Hammie and G. I hope we'll meet again sometime as it was really fun!

We had some time left before we had to catch our bus again so we took a walk along the canal.

And look:
I found the statue of the spitting boy that Hammie showed on his blog a while back!

More canal picture spam.

After our walk we went to the bus station and waited for our bus.

Leaving Stadskanaal.

And then we were back in Groningen after a fun afternoon with Hammie.