They also had another Metropolis robot at Babelsberg Filmpark.
This one had flashing lights and everything. So cool!

They also had costumes from movies on display, like these Egyptian headpieces.

This is a dress Marlene Dietrich wore in one of her movies.

Some scary devil.

This display showed how they made a dinosaur monster move and how they filmed the scene.

A temple or palace of some sort.

It was a replica from some movie I never heard of.

Sultan Sullivan.

They also had a graveyard with a vampire in one of the coffins!

I wonder what's inside this tomb...


I tried to get my fortune read by this fortune teller, but she mumbled something and didn't give me a card with my fortune.

There was a small Medieval town that had a cannon.

And a headsman who was executing someone.

A monster fountain.

This is the wagon of Löwenzahn, a German TV series.

A Wild West town.
It was really fun at Filmpark Babelsberg, but after a few hours we were getting tired and decided to go back to the hotel.

Let's see.
Which bus should we take to get back to the station.

I spotted a pig advert at the bus stop.
Back at the hotel we rested and read for a while.

Then we went out for dinner again.
It was very yummy!

As this was out last evening I got a Swimmingpool Cocktail.

What a fun trip.

The next day we took the train to Hannover, where we had to catch another train to Leer. Our train left Berlin 20 minutes too late, but arrived in time to catch the next train.

In Leer we took a bus to Groningen. There wasn't much room for luggage, but luckily we could put our suitcase in front of a chair.
At the end of the afternoon we were home.
I had a lot of fun!
Oh wow..... what fun you had!!!
it look amazing an sultan sullivan sure looked great^^
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