Monday, March 30, 2015

A Trip to Paris - Bones - Day 3, part 4

After visiting the Grand Galerie de l'Évolution we took a walk in the gardens.

After our walk we met up with Melliane and one of her friends.
We decided to visit another museum at Jardin des Plantes with the four of us.

Galerie de paléontologie et d'anatomie comparée
A museum full of skeletons!

This museum was creepy cool!

I think this is the skull of one of my ancestor.

A view at the skeletons from above.

At the next floor they had dinosaurs!

How cool!

This looks like it's a dinosaur version of a crocodile.

This showed how dinosaur bones got discovered and dug up I think.

Prehistoric fish.

Another cool museum.
I will show you more pictures tomorrow.

1 comment:

Alexander Mackenzie Bear said...

Wow... those humanoid skeletons looked super weird.