Yesterday it was Halloween and although my owner had to work, she got to dress up, because there was a Halloween Costume Contest at work. The people who looked the scariest would win a prize! I helped her search for a costume.

She dressed up as a scary, green-faced witch!

To add to the scare factor, there were spiders on her veil.

Witch at work!

And my owner won a prize!
She got two movie tickets. I am proud of her. The really yummy candy spider wasn´t part of the prize, but too cool to leave out in my opinion.

We took some pictures of our coworkers, but forgot to ask most of them if we could post their picture online, so here´s the one person we did ask. I love the scary mask!

When we got home there was a Halloween card from Jerry and Ben, it arrived exactly on Halloween. Great timing.
Thanks Jerry and Ben.

I hope everyone had a great Halloween!