Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Further Exploits of the Random Penguin

Random Penguin has been busy the last few days.

We played the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game.

Random Penguin saw the Martini Tower.
(The most beautiful tower in all of the Netherlands in my humble opinion.)

He saw the canals.
Random Penguin hoped there would be ice so he could walk on the canals, but that was not to be.

He also visited 'Het Goudkantoor' (the Gold Office).
He didn't get any gold though.

He had fun during our weekly games night.

And he saw the 'Der Aa' Church.
If it looks like the church is ready to fall over you can blame my owner's creative photographer skills.)


Alexander Mackenzie Bear said...

You are a great host Sullivan and a wonderful tour guide! I like the towers and your owner did a great job framing the one tower with the tree branches.

Aurian said...

Lol, he could have come to Utrecht to see all that ;) the Dom tower is higher, and also very beautiful, we have canals, and canalboats to tour on, and churches a plenty :)
Gorgeous pics, as always :)