Friday, January 11, 2013

Random Penguin Gets Around

The Random Penguin has been busy these last few days.

He helped cooking dinner and learned about 'Snijbonen'.

He went to the movies.

That was actually on my invitation to celebrate my blogoversary. We saw The Hobbit.

Random Penguin saw yet another one of the churches in Groningen: The New Church.

He had a grilled cheese sandwich at lunch today.

And he read the company magazine while we were at work.

Tomorrow we might do even more fun stuff if we find the time.


Buttons the Bear said...

You have been busy. I hope Random Penguin like string beans.

Alexander Mackenzie Bear said...

I'm sure he enjoyed the Hobbit!

Aurian said...

Lol you make them the oldfashioned way! I just buy them all ready in a can.

Jerry and Ben said...

A fun new US Piggy commercial; we thought Sullivan would enjoy it!

Sullivan McPig said...

@Aurian: I'm an old fashioned kind of pig ;-)
@Jerry&Ben:.oh, I love it!! Thanks.