Monday, December 5, 2011


Today it's Sinterklaasavond!
(St. Nicholas Eve)

Tonight Sinterklaas will bring us presents and we'll be celebrating Sinterklaasavond with lots of yummy food and by unwrapping the presents of course.

Here's some links for those unfamiliar with Sinterklaas:


De geschiedenis van Sinterklaas
This link is especially for Jeffe.
Jeffe: you will need a translator for this ;-)


Jeffe Kennedy said...

Ha! You are a well-trained piggy! Thanks so much. Very interesting.

Raquel said...

Thanks for the link! So, Sinterklaas is Santa Klaus, I did not realize :)

Sullivan McPig said...

No, Sinterklaas is Santa's older brother. They're not the same.

Demented Wench said...

I hope you get some good stuff like chocolate coins. :)

Raquel said...

Ahhhhhhh, thank you!!!!! He is not known in Spain. We know Santa, and we celebrate Xmas with him and after, at 6th of January the "Three Kings", or "Three Wise Men" come to our homes to bring many gifts to children (and not so children hehehe).
Kisses and thanks for the explanation :)