Thursday, November 24, 2011

Piggy Mail

First of all a Happy Thanksgiving to those of you who celebrate Thanksgiving today!

Now on to the really awesome mail I got today!

There was a package that contained a card and a mysterious box.

And look what was in the box!
A really beautiful glass piggy with wings. It was send to me by my good friend Sparky and his human, Laura.

Isn't it amazing!?

Thank you Sparky and Laura.
You're the best!


Laura Bickle said...

I'm so happy the winged piggy arrived to you safely!

*Hugs* and much love from me and from Sparky!

Demented Wench said...

Cool flying pig.

Beanie Mouse said...

I love your glass piggy!!!! I hope he's made friends with the green glass piggy....!!! You got a collection now!!

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Hehe! That's the fanciest pig I ever saw!!!

I like that leaping cat, too!

Sullivan McPig said...

@Laura: *hugs*
@Beanie: they get along perfectly!