Sunday, January 9, 2011

Two Years!

Hard too believe, but it's been two years since I started my blog. The above picture was the first picture I posted to introduce myself to the blogging community.

Since that first post lots of things happened:
I made lots of cool trips
Survived a big renovation of our neighbourhood
Met cool people and animals, both in real life and online
Started a second blog to review books and the ocassional movie
All in all I have been enjoying life, my blog and all the friendships I made through my blog(s).

So time to say thanks to all the lovely people and animals out there who dropped by, followed my life and travels and send me cool comments, mail and emails. I would still record my life and travels without you guys, but it wouldn't be half as much fun I can tell you, so:


And what would a blogoversary be without a small giveaway?

I've got two buttons of me left, so I'm going to give those away.

So if you want a chance to win one of them here are the rules:

- Leave a comment on this post telling me you want to enter the giveaway
- Leave a way for me to contact you
- Open internationally
- No need to be a follower
- open until January 16th


Penny Watson said...

Congrats on your blog-a-versary! I would love to enter the giveaway...that pin is rocking!

my email is penelope dot romance at gmail dot com

Happy New Year!

Demented Wench said...

Happy 2 Years Blogging Anniversary

Laura Bickle said...

No need to enter me in the contest (as I already have one of your awesome buttons)...Just wanted to stop by to say congrats! :-)

Jeffe Kennedy said...

I want a button!

Patricia said...

2 years. And your blog is great to follow. Thanks fore all the fun you give us with your blog. We hope you will going on with the blog so we can keep following you.


Patricia and Partner. :)

Buttons the Bear said...

Congratulations on your 2nd blogoversary! I have certainly enjoyed your travels since I found your blog. I look forward to seeing what you are up to.

I would like to be an international entry in your giveaway. If I'm selected, you can reach me through my profile on my blog

Alix said...

Congratulations and here is to many many more years! I love your blog and would love a button in the giveaway!

Sullivan McPig said...

Thanks everyone!

Marlowe said...

Two years and two blogs! Very impressive!

Jerry and Ben said...

Congratulations on two years Sullivan. We love your blog. Jerry would love a button for his travel bag!