Tuesday, January 18, 2011


There was lots of mail for me today.
First there was a package which contained the book 'Wanderlust' by Ann Aguirre. I won it over at the blog of Vivian Arend and her wolfcompanion Wolfie. Vivian herself is the author of awesome wolf-stories.

Next there were two cards for me as well!
Both are from Hammie and G. One is for my birthday and the other for my blogoversary. They even send a card to my owner as well so we had three beautiful cards today! Isn't that cool?!

Thank Viv, Wolfie, Hammie and G.
You're awesome!

1 comment:

Katie Dalton said...

Very cool looking book. Too bad it's about wolfs and not vamps. hehehe

Fun stuff for piggy and mommy! :)