Thursday, October 7, 2010

Comic Book Store

Today we visit a comic book store. It had lots of cool comics and graphic novels. My owner told me I could pick one book that I liked.

I chose this one!
It's about Death and his best friend, who is a pig named Lao-Tse.
Isn't it cool!

Talking about books:
Those of you who aren't following my book blog should head over there to see the giveaway I posted there today.


titania86 said...

Ooooh! I love comic book stores! The one you chose sounds really interesting.

Audrey said...

Haven't been to a book store in ages! Love to go to them and just browse.
Looks like you found a great comic!

vvb32 reads said...

that's a cooool comic. love how the pig is at the computer and both characters and smiling at each other.