Yesterday there was mail for me.

The package turned out to be a book I won for Voodoo Bride at the blog of
Alice Audrey. It looks like a very girly book, but Voodoo Bride is all happy with it and already started reading it.

For me there was a cool boomark send by
Cate Gardner. I won the bookmark as a consolationprice in a giveaway. Cate's book 'Strange Men in Pinstripe Suits' sounds very cool and I hope my owner will get it for me one of these days.

All in all cool mail for both me and Voodoo Bride!
Thanks Alice and Cate!
Sweet! Let me know how the book turns out. :) What does happen when a stranger loves me..... police restraining order? lol
I actually got some mail too today! It was craft supplies - but that counts right?
Great package and bookmark. You can never have too many bookmarks.
In reply to your question :) - The dish clothes can get smelly if you leave them to long, but I change them each day and since I do a load of laundry each day - it's not a problem.
I hope Voodoo Bride enjoys her book. :)
@Audrey: thanks for explaining
And Voodoo Bride already finished the book. Her review is up on my other blog
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