Today I helped my owner's OtherHalf make something with the use of this machine.

We needed to insert some of these items in the machine together with something else.....

Then we needed to move the slots and pull the lever and guess what came out in the end:

Yes, we made lots of cool buttons so my owner's OtherHalf can sell them at Comic Book Fairs.
But that's not all!
Just look at what he made especially for me:

Buttons with my picture on them!

I think they're awesome!
And who knows: I might be giving away some of them in a future giveaway.
Wow!! You have been an hp (helpful pig)! Your little pig muscles must be tired from pulling on that lever. My mom told me her family had one of those button machines when she was growing up. She said it was a lot of fun. Yes, a Sullivan button would be very nice to have.
I would love a button with your cute face on it!! Those are really great :)
oh so cute! i wantssssss a mcpig button ;-D
Those are so cute. I'll have to keep an eye out and put a link up.
Thanks everyone!
I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want a sullivan Button for my Back Pack!!!
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