Thursday, October 10, 2019

Meeting Up with Hammie

The 22nd of September it was lovely weather, so we went on a picnic with Hammie! I introduced Hammie to Gilbert of course.

Our picnic spot was next to a church.

We had to explore the church of course.

We also had a look at the adjoining graveyard.

We had a wonderful afternoon and had lots of yummy things to eat. Finally we packed up our picnic stuff and went for a small outing to the coast.

Here we are at Noordpolderzijl!
At the end of this canal you can see the ocean.

Gilbert tried to use the binocular thing, but only saw a blue sky.

There was an iron map thing to show where water flows during high tide I think.

After a look around we went to the restaurant. It had the flag of Groningen.

We all had something to drink and a snack, and then we went home. We had a great day, and Gilbert loved meeting Hammie.


miki said...

lovely day!

Jerry and Ben said...

Great photos! Did you ask Hammie how the chickens are doing? We always wonder about the chickens.

Alexander Mackenzie Bear said...

Nice!! Gilbert seems to be doing an amazing job as apprentice travel blogger.