Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Second Day of Worldcon - Dublin Trip day 4, part 2

After we talked to Nikki we went back to the Foyer where the Autographing took place, because:

Jeffe Kennedy was signing!
We already have lots of books she signed for us, but I wanted to be in an official picture with her and we wanted to cheer her on of course.

We ran into Chelsea Mueller and she signed my copy of Borrowed Souls.

Next I got to meet Victoria Schwab.
She signed my copy of The Archived, and posed with me.

After that it was time for another panel:

Introduction to SFF romance
SFF romance is as varied and creative as the speculative genre as a whole but, along with other romantic subgenres, has often been dismissed and undervalued. From shapeshifting billionaires to far future secret agents, vampire brides to Highland flings, this panel will provide a broad introduction to SFF romance in all its glory as well as providing a range of reading recommendations.
Cora Buhlert (M), Darlene Marshall, D.A Lascelles, Jeffe Kennedy

A lot of the things said in this panel were things we already knew, because we are not new to SFF Romance, so I didn't take a lot of notes, but it was fun and I think it was an interesting panel for people new to this subgenre.

Here are my few notes:

There is this mistaken notion that happy endings are less interesting than tragic endings.

The world is changing and there is now more room for emotions than in the past.

SFF is a great way to discuss topics like inclusion, etc...

Voodoo Bride spotted a book she thought looked interesting.

After the panel we met up with Jeffe to go have drinks with some other authors. On the way out of the convention center:

We ran into Sarah Gailey and Jeffe introduced us to them, because she knew I LOVE American Hippo. They posed with me for a picture, and I told them I'd be coming to their autographing to get my copy of American Hippo signed.

After this unexpected meet & greet we went on to a nearby hotel where we had drinks with Kelly Robson and other authors. We had lots of fun, there may have been cider and wine, and some people may have been drunk. No pictures of that gathering here. What happens at author drinking parties, stays at author drinking parties. ;)

We caught an Uber back to the cottage, because we were going to have dinner together with David.

I spotted Batman on the drive back!

And this fun sign.

At the cottage we looked at our dinner options and decided to try something called The Bernard Shaw.

On our walk over I spotted these weird markers along the canal.
There were a lot and with climbing numbers. I wonder what they were for. They didn't seem to be at a regular distance from each other.

Maybe they were for fishing competitions?
Nobody was fishing there at that moment though, so I couldn't ask.

Another beautiful sky.

When we reached The Bernard Shaw it turned out to be a very crowded bar with an even more crowded square with food trucks behind it. We fled the scene: this was too crowded for us. Next we tried a restaurant that had pizzas and pasta and such, but that was also very crowded AND they didn't serve drinks! You had to bring drinks yourself. I never had been to a restaurant not selling drinks before! Once again we decided to flee.

And that's how we ended up at the same pub where we ate on Wednesday. There it was nice and quiet enough to hear yourself talk. My owner ordered roast beef that was mostly turkey according to her, but mostly sounds like there might be pork in there, so I stuck to veggies.

Next: So many animals!!!


Beanie Mouse said...

Maybe those canal signs were shark sightings?

miki said...

so many meeting *___*

Sullivan McPig said...

Oh, that would be cool!