Friday, July 9, 2021

Gilbert - Castle Bentheim (last post)


The inside of castle Bentheim was really fun to see as well.

I spotted a horse battle armor on the wall of the dining room.

A lion crest.

There were lots of colored windows.

Oh, another battle horse!

I also saw the angry swan again.
I'd be angry too if someone was tooting his horn at me all the time.

Writing equipment.

There was a room where I think royalty used to sleep when they visited.

A study.

Not sure what the deal was with the cheeky nun and that knight.

Little grumpy angel.

I found yet another cannon.

I spotted a damaged lion in the chapel.

Overview of the chapel: there was a statue hanging from the ceiling.

Then it was time to go. 
It was a fun outing!

Next: more fun in Germany

1 comment:

miki said...

lovely i loved to see the writing tools!! so much space^^