Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Lots of Books and Buttons

My owner got some gift certificates and let me decide what to spend them on:

Books of course!

The Fear is the third book in a cool series that has zombies! Moth and Spark I picked out because I loved the cover, but it also sounded like a great Fantasy. The Bone Season I picked because I've read some very positive reviews about it. We also ordered a fourth book, but that will arrive in a few weeks.

Today there was mail:

A book, a bookmark and buttons from Ann Aguirre.
Voodoo Bride loved I Want It That Way, the first book in Ann's New Adult Romance trilogy, so she was very happy we got the second book for review as well. I really like the buttons, especially the Wreak Some Havoc button.

Thanks Ann!

1 comment:

Aurian said...

That sure is some great mail!