Today queen Beatrix abdicated in favor of her son

These last few days two more royal wuppies showed up for this historical event.

Our street was decorated with orange flags to celebrate this day.

We put on the TV to be able to witness the abdication.

Queen Beatrix and her son prince Willem Alexander.

Queen Beatrix signs the abdication papers and becomes princess Beatrix.

Her son now becomes king Willem Alexander.

In the afternoon there was a ceremony where king Willem Alexander was sworn into his office.

Our new crown princess, princess Amalia and her grandmother (former queen) princess Beatrix.

King Willem Alexander and queen Maxima.
It was a historical day for our country and I hope king Willem Alexander will do well as king.

These last few days two more royal wuppies showed up for this historical event.

Our street was decorated with orange flags to celebrate this day.

We put on the TV to be able to witness the abdication.

Queen Beatrix and her son prince Willem Alexander.

Queen Beatrix signs the abdication papers and becomes princess Beatrix.

Her son now becomes king Willem Alexander.

In the afternoon there was a ceremony where king Willem Alexander was sworn into his office.

Our new crown princess, princess Amalia and her grandmother (former queen) princess Beatrix.

King Willem Alexander and queen Maxima.
It was a historical day for our country and I hope king Willem Alexander will do well as king.
Wow!! We haven't had an abdication since the 1930s when Edward stood down so he could marry Wallis. That's quite historical!
What a great blogpost Sullivan! I too watched the whole day on television. But I have to admit to be very disappointed that he did not get crowned king.
@Beanie: It's the second abdication my owner has witnessed, but she was only 7 when Juliana abdicated.
@Aurian: I did wonder why they had the crown lying there if they were not going to use it anyway.
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