Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Kingly Mail

There was mail for me today.

It turned out to be a book that was send to me by Selexyz as I had unlocked their Foursquare special.

Foursquare is a kind of game on your mobile phone where you can check in and earn points when you visit certain locations. Some locations have a so called Special. Selexyz' Special is that you get a free book when you visit one of their stores 10 times. Isn't that cool?

And this is the book they send me.
It's called 'The King' and the story is set in Persia during the industrial revolution. The book sounds really interesting and the first chapter starts with cows!

1 comment:

Marlowe said...

My mom plays foursquare too!

This is her ID if you would like to be friends on there too!