Yesterday we gathered rosehips to make jam. There were lots of rosehips this year and they were beautiful.

There were still some blossoms left and those smelled really good.

This bee thought so too and tried to gather some nectar.

When we got home we cleaned the rosehips and cut them in half. All ready to cook them and then make jam out of them. Yum!
That looks like fun. Do you have to remove all the seeds?
Is this a kind of fruit? I don't know if we have these in the US....
@Marlowe: Yes, the seeds taste terrible, so we remove those after cooking the rosehips using a sort of grinder thingy
@Katie: It's the fruit of a rose plant.
There's lots of different looking rosehips. These are cultivated rosehips, but there's also wild rosehips and those look smaller en less round.
THE onley thinf i moe of the rosehips that of you don't like someone you can Grease someone with the Seeds. This is verry verry itchy :D
Here I was thinking you would use a sieve or cheesecloth to remove the seeds. Just be careful around the grinder thingy. We wouldn't want you ending up sausage. 80
I don't think I've ever tasted rosehip jam before, but I'm sure it's delicious! =) You have a really good haul in that bucket, so you should have enough to last you for a while.
rosehips look like cherry tomatoes. i'm curious how they taste?
Neat, I've never had rosehip jam, or rosehip anything, now that I think about it. They are really pretty, though. Very nice!
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