Thursday, February 20, 2025

Gilbert - An Icy Trip part 1

 On February 18 we went on a trip with my owner's friend Diana. She picked us up and then we drove for 2 hours!

We did stop to stretch our legs and admire the view.

Finally we arrived in Biddinghuizen where there was an ice sculpture festival. What a bad time to forget my hat again!

There were many beautiful sculptures. 

I loved this swamp monster.

The Death Tarot Card

A penguin with a book.

I had to take a picture of this bookcase for Sullivan.

A walrus relaxing with beer and popcorn.

And you could relax right next to him as well. (no popcorn and beer though...)

A really cool fish monster!


More pictures I just had to take to show Sullivan.

More ice sculptures soon!


Beanie Mouse said...

Those sculptures are just brilliant!!!

Sullivan McPig said...

Right?! Gilbert took so many pictures!