Monday, September 12, 2022

Gilbert - A Trip to Germany: A Cool Parade (part1)


Last Thursday evening my owner and I went on a trip!
My owner's friend Diana picked us up and drove us to her house for a weekend of relaxing and fun.

On Friday Morning we went shopping. 
We visited a Pharmacy, the Supermarket, and ended our outing at the Cookie Outlet. I was tempted, but didn't buy any cookies (I did buy yummy snacks and something to drink at the Supermarket though).

We did get a hot chocolate at the Cookie Outlet! It was the kind made with powder and hot water, but still tasty.

These cool dinosaur candies I got at the Pharmacy.

For most of the day we relaxed and read, but in the evening we went to Haselünne. There would be a Grain and Hanse Market all weekend (Hanse is a medieval guild of merchants) and that evening there would be a parade to signal the start of the festivities.

While waiting for the parade to start I spotted a weird thingy on a roof!
It turned out to be a special roof tile to accommodate satellite/antenna access. Not as exciting as I first hoped.

Then we heard a tractor: the parade had started!

First there were a couple of really old tractors with carts behind them.

I wonder if these have booze in them.

Then there were lots of people dressed in Medievalish costumes. There was also lots of beer and other drinks.

There were marching bands as well.

I loved all the different costumes. Some people wore very simple costumes, while others went all out.

I think this guy looked very impressive!

I wouldn't want to get in a fight with him for sure.

Next: more cool costumes!

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