Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Gilbert - A Trip to Germany: Relaxing and Weird Stones

On Tuesday it was a very rainy day. Once it seemed dry we went grocery shopping. I managed to take this picture in Diana's garden.

It soon started raining again, so not a lot of photo opportunities. I did spot these straw chickens though.

It didn't look like it was getting any better, so we stayed inside once we returned from the shopping trip.

I tried the first few chapters of some of Diana's books to see if I could find something that Sullivan or Voodoo Bride might like. It was another fun and relaxing evening.

On Wednesday we drove to Mülheim an der Ruhr to visit castle Broich.

We spotted a stone with a bird on it!

We investigated of course. 
The stone was part of a project called 'Pottsteine'. People paint on stones and leave them somewhere to bring some joy to other people's day. Sounds like the Lost Art from Beanie. How fun!

Soon we found another one. A crocodile. This one was also by the same artist, called Mona.

More about our visit to castle Broich tomorrow.


Beanie Mouse said...

Sandy Bear finds painted stones sometimes, too!!! They're fun!

Sullivan McPig said...

They are! Spoiler for my next post: we found one that was perfect for me!

miki said...

oh fun!

Aurian said...

A rainy day is perfect for reading!