Now that I finally finished my posts about our trip to Germany, I think it's time to catch you up on everything we did the last couple of months.

At the start of February we had a friend over for dinner, and we had a delicious oven dish with potatoes, vegetables, and cheese.

After dinner we had a drink.
It was a fun evening.

We also went to a games night in February and played Shadows over Camelot.
A cooperative game, but there can be a traitor!

The Picts and/or Saxons attack!

In March the whole stay at home thing started and we got a lovely care package from a friend.

At the start of April we received a beautiful and sweet card from Hammie!

We baked a bread!It was really yummy!

Sullivan and I played games together.

On the first day of May we tried to bake a Bundt cake, but the cake didn't come out of the tin in one piece...

We put the broken piece back on the cake, and the cake still tasted very delicious, but it wasn't how it was supposed to be.

So a few days later we baked another cake!
This one did come out in one piece

Photo-bombing Mister Blue.

This cake was even more yummy than the first!

And we did not just get cake that day, but pancakes as well!

On May 14 we ordered a game online from the store of our owner's best friends. When it arrived the next day there was an extra game! Thanks K&E!

On the 16th we had to visit IKEA. Luckily IKEA has great rules in place to make shopping safe. After our shopping I got to try chicken meatballs with mustard.

I also got to try a bit from this yummy veggie hotdog.

On Ascension Day it was lovely weather, so we went for a long walk.
This place was supposedly the inspiration for some painter's painting.

I don't know if that's true, but it was beautiful there.

We had a rest and a snack next to a bridge with a lock.

It was a beautiful day for a walk and we had lots of fun.

And today I found a bottle of special Coca Cola. It has lime, ginger, rosemary, jasmine, and jalapeno in it! We haven't tasted it yet, but it sounds strange and exciting.
That's all for now. I'll try to keep you more regularly updated from now on.
Stay safe and healthy everyone!