Saturday, January 9, 2016

Seven Years of Blogging

I've been blogging for seven years!
Something to celebrate I think.

I've not been posting as loyally and often these last few years as I did in the beginning, but I still enjoy telling you about my life and travels. And I do post 5 times a week on my review blog usually, so blogging still keeps me pretty busy.

In 2016 I hope to post about many cool and fun things.

For today I have some mail spam for you:

I got this card from Aurian for my birthday, it's a bit early, but as a blogoversary is also a birthday of sorts, it's fitting to post this picture today I think ;-)

And I also received mail from Beanie!
He sent the next book in the Darren Shan Saga, and a present for my birthday!

Thanks, Aurian and Beanie!


Jeffe Kennedy said...

Congrats! That's a huge milestone :-)

Sullivan McPig said...

@Jeffe: Thanks. It sure doesn't feel that long I must confess.

RodeEgel said...

Happy blog piggy!

Beanie Mouse said...

Hurray!!! Glad they arrived, and congrats on your bloggoversary and hope you enjoy your presents!

titania86 said...

Congrats!!!! It's been wonderful reading your posts over the years. :)

miki said...

7years! you sure deserve to celebrate such a millestone and it's still a pure pleasure to read your posts!


Aurian said...

Wow, 7 years already! That is a long time! Happy Blogoversary Sullivan and I hope to read about your adventures for many more years :)

Ajdin Adilovic said...

congrats! here's to 7 more years!