Thursday, March 28, 2013

Lots of Presents

We had really cool mail from Gini Koch this week.
She send a signed Dutch copy of a book by Judi Edwards for Voodoo Bride and magnets for me. We're very happy with these presents.

Thanks Gini and Judi!

Today another book arrived for Voodoo Bride.
I won a copy of Rising Darkness for her in a giveaway by Thea Harrison. Voodoo Bride loves Thea Harrison's Elder Races series so she was very happy with this first book in a new series by Thea.

Thea even signed the book as well.

Thanks Thea!

Today at work my owner and I got a small box as an early Easter gift.

Let's see what's inside.

It was filled with chocolates!


Aurian said...

Wow Sullivan, what a great things you got! I sure hope to get some of those magnets as well :) And I am still impatiently waiting for the next Arc from Gini. I so want to read that, the guestpost over at Stella the other day really whet my appetite.
And yeah for the signed Thea Harrison book! I am still waiting for my copy (again).

Alexander Mackenzie Bear said...

Great gifts! The chocolate look super yummy!

Sullivan McPig said...

@Aurian: I really want to read Alien in the House as well!
@Sandy: They're very yummy!

Jerry and Ben said...

Yummy presents!

Happy Easter Sullivan!