Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Between in my Mail

Yesterday I had a book in my mail.
It was a signed copy of Between, which I won at Kerry Schafer's blog.

I'm very happy with this signed copy.
Not only is Between an amazing book, Kerry is a really cool person who doesn't mind me internet stalking her and giving unwanted zombie advice.

And look:
Poe, the penguin who has an important role in Between, also signed the book! How cool is that?!

Thanks Kerry & Poe!


Alexander Mackenzie Bear said...

Another penguin?? Or is that that the same penguin you gave the tour to? Either way - you are a super lucky pig - sounds like you get to read some great books!

Aurian said...

Lol, that is so cool! I bet there is no other signed copy around with that!