It's Sinterklaas (St. Nicholas Eve) today so yesterday me, the Armadillo and Louis the Lice got to put out our shoe.

Because none of us had shoes we borrowed two. We sang songs for Sinterklaas and we put an apple with the shoes for Sinterklaas' horse.
Now we just had to wait and see if Sinterklaas would bring us a present.

This morning it was snowing!
I wonder if that's a present from Sinterklaas?
It wasn't cold enough for the snow to stay though.

But there were also presents in the shoes!

How exciting!

One of the presents was for me and my owner and it turned out to be a book. It sounds like a really cool read. It's a Dystopian story about two sisters who try to escape a death camp.
Thanks Sinterklaas!
My owner told me that just maybe Sinterklaas will drop by with even more presents this weekend, but only if he thinks we've been good this year.
What wonderful gifts from Sinterklaas Sullivan! You must have been extra good this year!
Oh, good for you! I'm sure you'll get more gifts because you've been very good this year!
Congrats on the book Sullivan :) I hope you will enjoy it. Somehow, I don't think your English readers can pronounce Sinterklaas. I do dare them to try ;)
Thanks everyone!
@Aurian: you might be right
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