Friday, June 15, 2012

Horsing Around

Yesterday we went for a walk.
After lounging in between the clover....

We saw some horses in a meadow.

They looked hungry so we fed them some grass.

I would rather have had some chocolate, but the horses seemed happy with the grass.

I know I've been a bad blogger lately (I blame my owner for not taking me to do anything fun), but I'll try to get back on track and post more regularly again.
And I've got a really cool trip coming up soon if all goes well!


Jerry and Ben said...

Those horses are sure beautiful Sullivan. I wonder if they like honey too...

Alexander Mackenzie Bear said...

Hi Sullivan,
My name is Alexander Mackenzie Bear (but you can call me Sandy for short). I live in Canada and am friends with Hammie and Jerry & Ben. I love the pictures of the horses! I know... it's tough being dependent on a human. But that was a great adventure! My blog is
... please come and visit, maybe we could be friends!

Demented Wench said...

I really must find some flowers to lounge in. It looks like so much fun. :)

Sullivan McPig said...

@Jerry & Ben: my owner tells me they Like sweet things, but that it's bad for their teeth.
@Alexander: I'll certainly drop by soon.
@Demented Wench: it is! *hugs*

Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...

awww!! looks like you made a new friend!!