Sunday, February 26, 2012

A Magic Tournament

Yesterday we finally went to do something fun.
We went to the station and took a bus to Assen to take part in a Magic: The Gathering Tournament.

I only play this game once a year and am always surprised by how much new rules and cards there are each year.

Of the four games I played I won only one game, so I didn't get to take home the trophy. I can dream though and hope I will win it one day.


Jerry and Ben said...

Sullivan, next yeah you'll need the Magic Pig Card, then you'll win for sure! hehe

titania86 said...

That's an awesome trophy! I'm sad you didn't win, but I wish we got trophies here for tournaments! I love playing Magic and I even met my fiance years ago at a tournament.

Sullivan McPig said...

@Titania: That must have been a special tournament!

Buttons the Bear said...

Looks like that would have been a nice trophy to take home. :( I've never played this game, but I think you are a pretty lucky pig. Maybe next year it will be yours.