Just a couple more ice sculptures and then for something different!
The Wizard of Oz
Loki's punishment.
As you have seen, the ice sculpture festival was awesome!
It was also very very cold, even colder than outside, and we have wintery weather at the moment. So we went in search for a very late lunch.
We went to Kampen.
It is on the way back to Groningen anyway, depending on the route you take.
That's the city tower of Kampen in the background btw.
This is The Old Town Hall.
It's a museum these days, but until 2001 it was still used as town hall.
Next to the old town hall was the old post office.
It had been turned into a restaurant, se we had something to eat there.
It was a nice sunny afternoon.
I spotted these pigs in a shop window.
One of the many churches in Kampen.
We didn't have time to walk to my owner's favorite church though.
On the way back to the car we spotted one of the city gates in the distance.
We might visit Kampen with Diana again when we have more time.
We drove back to Groningen, and had something warm to drink at home before:
Going to the Sushi Mall!
I had very yummy sushi.
A pear salad.
And a really yummy dessert.
(we will not speak of some of the things my owner ordered)
Next Diana brought us home before driving back to Germany.
We had an awesome day!